Jesus is Our Message
We are wrapping up our sermon series "The Domino Effect" and our study of Paul's letter to the believers in the ancient city of Colossae. A 'domino effect' typically describes setting up similar sized dominos into some kind of pattern or design in order to tip the first one and begin a chain reaction. But we've focused on another type of domino effect, an exponential effect in which a 2-inch tall domino can topple a larger domino, which can topple an even larger domino, and by the thirty-first domino you knocked over something 3,000 feet higher than Mt. Everest.
And so it is with Paul's letter to the Colossians, a treasure trove of proverbial dominoes, each holding enormous capacity to topple things far exceeding its size. When arranged together they hold the possibility of tipping fresh movements of faith in our lives. We close with a final domino, the anthem for every believer in Christ, Jesus our message.