Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Part of our vision is to serve the world and make a difference in the lives of others. We accomplish this vision locally through outreach opportunities, partnerships with community organizations and serve days. Nationally, we invest in church planting and helping local churches become healthy and high-impact. Globally, we invest in intentional partnerships with organizations who are making a difference for Jesus.
Crouse Family - Ecuador
Gómez Family - Director for Latin America

The Crouse family lives in Quito, Ecuador. J.R. and Becky assist the Free Methodist Church in Ecuador through leadership development, agriculture and education. J.R. serves as the field coordinator for short-term missions (VISA) teams for the Latin America Area and mentors pastoral candidates. In addition, he currently serves as the interim coordinator for the mentoring component of ministerial formation for Latin America. He also works with the Ecuadorian churches in exploring creative ways to bless and impact their communities through agriculture. Becky is the coordinator for facilitator training for Latin America, oversees ministerial formation in Ecuador, and assists with curriculum development and revision. The Crouses formerly served in Haiti and Peru.
Pray for:
- J.R. and Becky to have parenting wisdom and properly balance ministry and home responsibilities
- God’s care for aging parents in their absence
- Them to be fruitful in building up church leaders
- The formation of supportive friendships and vibrant working relationships
- Growth and impact of the Ecuadorian church in reaching Ecuador for Christ
Leon Family - Costa Rica

Dennis and Kyle Leon moved to Esterillos, Costa Rica, with a vision to see everyone in every community have access to a living church by multiplying disciples, workers and churches. God has used them to lead to Christ and disciple many new believers, resulting in a multiplying network of churches and home groups now call the 360 Mission District. They also assist communities in improving their physical well-being through counseling, job training, microfinance, tutoring, scholarships, medical assistance, emergency aid, work opportunities, and children’s centers.

Ricardo Gómez is the area director for Latin America, overseeing the ministry of the Free Methodist Church and all of the U.S. and international missionaries throughout the region. Beth coordinates communication efforts throughout the region, managing content on both an English and Spanish website. Together with their team of international leaders, they work to develop healthy leaders who multiply committed disciples and plant transformational churches to bring biblical restoration to Latin America. The Gomez family lives and serves in Medellín, Colombia.
Pray for:
- The creation and growth of healthy, committed, empowered, Spirit-filled teams working together to reach Latin Americans for Christ
- Discernment, wisdom, balance and a God-given vision for appropriate and effective ministry throughout Latin America
- Safety and health for the rigorous travel schedule
- Compelling communication and effective systems to connect North American and Latin American ministries
- Resources to facilitate ministry for our missionary families and the strategic initiatives
Wilkins Family - Japan

Chris and Yuko Wilkins are FMWM missionaries partnering with the Japanese General Conference to encourage new growth. In 2020 both Chris and Yuko will move more into training pastors and believers to multiply their faith. Train and Multiply is an obedience-based discipleship movement that is having some breakthroughs in Japan. In addition, they assist the ministry of the church in Machida to share the gospel, make disciples and strengthen the church. They do this through weekly English outreach classes, street ministry and teaching at a local seminary.
Pray for:
- Ongoing ministries to teens and their families, including small-group discipleship, service projects, counseling, English classes and holistic children’s outreach programs
- Healthy relationships with youth as they mature into leaders
- The established churches – Pura Vida Esterillos and Pura Vida Parrita and Pura Vida Alajuela
- Their children: Elias, Selah, Cyrus and Lucas
Pray for:
- Discipleship ministry efforts
- Wisdom and discernment for leadership in the Japanese church
- Strategy to reach the youth of Japan
- Humble spirits and wisdom to serve the Japanese church
- A movement of the Holy Spirit in this culture