Thinking Ahead

Nov 8, 2020    Jim LaBarr

Perseverance in the Christian life can seem impossible at times. But Paul offers us a rich hope in this passage by reminding us of two important truths. One, we can persist in sacrificially following Jesus by looking forward to the end goal of eternity. We know our citizenship isn’t on this earth—it’s in heaven with God. With that perspective we can run after Jesus with endurance, keeping the goal ever before us.

Two, when eternity feels abstract or too far away to focus on, we can know that we are not alone. We have living examples around us of Christians who actively follow after Jesus. We can look to them for encouragement when we want to quit, instruction when we’re unsure what to do, and fellowship when we suffer. Do we have eternity ever before our eyes? Do we set an example for others to follow? Prayerfully consider those questions this week and ask God to show you one tangible way you can persevere in your faith.