Knowing Jesus

Nov 1, 2020    Jim LaBarr

Paul recognized the greater purpose of his life. He realized that knowing Jesus was greater than anything he could gain on earth—no social status, income bracket, or promotion could compare. He also hoped in the future resurrection of his body when Jesus returns. Instead of setting his eyes on the world around him, he chose to look to Jesus. What we obtain on this earth will pass away. But what we gain through Jesus—a relationship with the living God, status as a member of God’s family, and hope in that resurrection comes after death—will always remain true.

That’s why we can joyfully sacrifice today. When we know Jesus and the grace he’s given us, we can give our lives to him like Paul did. We can persevere as we look to Jesus and hope in his return. This week, let’s surrender our lives to him again and again, because he’s worth it.