The Bible is not a collection of stories. It is one story, the story of God’s plan to rescue His people from sin and death. It is the story of redemption, the gospel message of Jesus Christ. It’s also our story. As we share the story, our prayer is for kids to see how God's Word fits into their lives, to learn how to talk to Him, and to build friendships that will last. We want children to learn to trust God as they come to know how much He loves them.
We want to partner with parents to help kids to grow up:
We want to partner with parents to help kids to grow up:
- Making wiser choices
- Building stronger relationships
- Developing a deeper faith in Jesus

Bible science
Soda Geyser
Scripture: John 6:1-13, Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
With this experiment kids will see an explosion of liquid as the amount of soda seems to grow and grow.
Objective: Kids will learn that with Jesus we will always have all that we need.
With this experiment kids will see an explosion of liquid as the amount of soda seems to grow and grow.
Objective: Kids will learn that with Jesus we will always have all that we need.
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Magnetic Slime
Scripture: Matthew 4:18-22, Calling the First Disciples
With this experiment kids will create a slime that is irresistibly drawn to magnets.
Objective: Kids will learn that God draws us to an irresistible life with Jesus.
With this experiment kids will create a slime that is irresistibly drawn to magnets.
Objective: Kids will learn that God draws us to an irresistible life with Jesus.
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Balancing Act
Scripture: Matthew 14:22-36, Jesus Walks On Water
With this experiment, you will balance hex nuts in a seemingly impossible way.
Objective: Kids will learn that when we put our faith in Jesus, the impossible becomes possible.
With this experiment, you will balance hex nuts in a seemingly impossible way.
Objective: Kids will learn that when we put our faith in Jesus, the impossible becomes possible.
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Lava Lamp
Scripture: Luke 10:38-42, Mary and Martha
With this experiment kids will make a relaxing, groovy lava lamp.
Objective: Kids will learn that Jesus wants us to take time to relax and spend time with him.
With this experiment kids will make a relaxing, groovy lava lamp.
Objective: Kids will learn that Jesus wants us to take time to relax and spend time with him.
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Exploding Lunch Bag
Scripture: Mark 5:1-20, Jesus Heals A Demon-Possessed Man.
With this experiment kids will learn how a chemical reaction can cause things to get out of control.
Objective: Kids will learn that even when life seems totally out of control, Jesus can deliver us.
With this experiment kids will learn how a chemical reaction can cause things to get out of control.
Objective: Kids will learn that even when life seems totally out of control, Jesus can deliver us.
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Potato Battery
Scripture: Acts 3:1-10, Peter Heals A Crippled Beggar
With this experiment, you will learn that even an object as simple as a potato can possess power.
Objective: Kids will learn when we rely on Jesus he will give us the power to do great things.
With this experiment, you will learn that even an object as simple as a potato can possess power.
Objective: Kids will learn when we rely on Jesus he will give us the power to do great things.
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Christmas Stories
Over the next three weeks, Mrs Kim will have various Christmas stories read to you as you prepare your hearts and minds for Christmas. So turn your ears on, grab some popcorn and enjoy these videos!
The Candymaker's Gift
Alabaster's Song
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Jacob's Gift
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Light in the Dark
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Construction sites are exciting places, filled with interesting, heavy machinery and abuzz with noise and activity. When we accept Jesus, God begins a good work in us. We become the construction site where God is building something amazing! Together, we will learn that God is working in the hearts of those who follow Jesus.
Building Permit
Scripture: Genesis 11:1-9, The Tower of Babel
Before starting construction of a building, you have to get permission to build. If you just start building anywhere you want, you’ll probably run into a lot of trouble. Once, the people of earth thought that nothing could stop them from being like God. They started to build a tower to heaven to prove it; but they soon discovered that God was more powerful than their plans.
Objective: Kids will learn that our plans will fail when we leave God out.
Before starting construction of a building, you have to get permission to build. If you just start building anywhere you want, you’ll probably run into a lot of trouble. Once, the people of earth thought that nothing could stop them from being like God. They started to build a tower to heaven to prove it; but they soon discovered that God was more powerful than their plans.
Objective: Kids will learn that our plans will fail when we leave God out.
Scripture: Genesis 6:9-22, Noah Builds the Ark
Every construction project has blueprints – detailed plans of how to build and what the finished project should look like. When God told Noah to build the ark, he gave him detailed instructions on how to build it. Noah followed God's blueprint exactly, and Noah and his family were saved.
Objective: Kids will learn that we need to follow God's instructions in His Word.
Every construction project has blueprints – detailed plans of how to build and what the finished project should look like. When God told Noah to build the ark, he gave him detailed instructions on how to build it. Noah followed God's blueprint exactly, and Noah and his family were saved.
Objective: Kids will learn that we need to follow God's instructions in His Word.
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Wrecking Ball
Scripture: Joshua 6:1-20, The Fall of Jericho
Before a new building can be put up, often an old one must be torn down. That's when construction crews bring in the wrecking ball. When Israel came to their new home, the city of Jericho stood in their way. They didn't need a wrecking ball to bring it down; God had other plans. To begin building something new in our hearts, God needs to help us repent of sin so it can be removed.
Objective: Kids will learn that repenting of sin means turning from it, choosing God’s way instead.
Before a new building can be put up, often an old one must be torn down. That's when construction crews bring in the wrecking ball. When Israel came to their new home, the city of Jericho stood in their way. They didn't need a wrecking ball to bring it down; God had other plans. To begin building something new in our hearts, God needs to help us repent of sin so it can be removed.
Objective: Kids will learn that repenting of sin means turning from it, choosing God’s way instead.
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Scripture: Acts 2:1-14, 38-47, Many Are Saved
Cement is made from special rock, clay, water and other materials all joined together in a cement mixer. The crowd at Pentecost was filled with many different people from different places. But when Peter shared the good news of Jesus, many of them believed. God mixed them all together to create the first church.
Objective: Kids will learn that God’s Holy Spirit is the cement that holds the Church together, and it is who God put in our hearts to keep us connected to Him.
Cement is made from special rock, clay, water and other materials all joined together in a cement mixer. The crowd at Pentecost was filled with many different people from different places. But when Peter shared the good news of Jesus, many of them believed. God mixed them all together to create the first church.
Objective: Kids will learn that God’s Holy Spirit is the cement that holds the Church together, and it is who God put in our hearts to keep us connected to Him.
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Laying the Foundation
Scripture: Luke 6:46-49, The Wise and Foolish Builders
It doesn't matter how beautiful the building, if it isn't built on a solid foundation the whole thing will fall apart. Jesus is the firm foundation that we should build our lives upon.
Objective: Kids will learn that the foundation we should build our lives on is Jesus.
It doesn't matter how beautiful the building, if it isn't built on a solid foundation the whole thing will fall apart. Jesus is the firm foundation that we should build our lives upon.
Objective: Kids will learn that the foundation we should build our lives on is Jesus.
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Hammer and Nails
Scripture: Nehemiah 4, Nehemiah Faces Opposition
You have the plans and the equipment, and you've done all the prep work. But at some point, you have to put hammer to nail and start building. Nehemiah and his workers faced tough opposition when they tried to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. But Nehemiah never lost heart, and the work continued to completion.
Objective: Kids will learn that when we face obstacles, God’s Spirit gives us the strength to keep going.
You have the plans and the equipment, and you've done all the prep work. But at some point, you have to put hammer to nail and start building. Nehemiah and his workers faced tough opposition when they tried to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem. But Nehemiah never lost heart, and the work continued to completion.
Objective: Kids will learn that when we face obstacles, God’s Spirit gives us the strength to keep going.
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Right On Schedule
Welcome Home
Scripture: Romans 8:26-39, More Than Conquerors
Everyone hopes to hear from their builder that construction is “right on schedule.” Sometimes we might get discouraged, thinking we are too weak or that we are not good enough. We must remember that when we follow Jesus, God goes to work inside us. God is building something good and amazing in us.
Objective: Kids will learn that it can take time, but if we continue to trust Him, God will build us into people who live more and more like Jesus.
Everyone hopes to hear from their builder that construction is “right on schedule.” Sometimes we might get discouraged, thinking we are too weak or that we are not good enough. We must remember that when we follow Jesus, God goes to work inside us. God is building something good and amazing in us.
Objective: Kids will learn that it can take time, but if we continue to trust Him, God will build us into people who live more and more like Jesus.
Scripture: John 14:1-14, Jesus Prepares A Place For Us
When the construction work is done, a new building is ready to become someone's home or business. When Jesus left the earth, he let his disciples know that he was going to build a place for us in heaven. All of us who put our faith in Jesus will be welcomed home there.
Objective: Kids will learn that those who follow Jesus have their true home in heaven.
When the construction work is done, a new building is ready to become someone's home or business. When Jesus left the earth, he let his disciples know that he was going to build a place for us in heaven. All of us who put our faith in Jesus will be welcomed home there.
Objective: Kids will learn that those who follow Jesus have their true home in heaven.
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Hey Kids! Grab your capes and masks as we explore the Superheroes of the Bible. Together, we will discover our strength in God, explore God’s mission for your life, encounter epic adventures alongside Biblical heroes, and realize that their greatest hero is Jesus Christ, Our Savior and Redeemer!
A Review of All the Superheroes
Big idea: I am special because I can be a superhero too!
Big idea: Because Jesus died for me, I can live for Him!
Big idea: My faith can help others see and know God.
Big idea: God's plan for my life is to be part of His plan.
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Big idea: Being on God's side, is always the best side!
Big idea: Because God invites everyone into his family, I can trust God to take care of me!
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Big idea: Taking a risk for God, is a risk worth taking
Big idea: Because everything is possible for God, I won't give up!
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Big idea: Because God is a promise keeper, I can believe and follow Him.
Big idea: I can have courage to live for God because God is with me.
Be Like Jesus Attitudes
Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
Main idea: We receive the gift of the kingdom of heaven when we realize how much we need God.
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Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
Main idea: When we mourn over our sins, God gives us the comfort of salvation, the comfort of getting to spend all of forever with him.
Blessed Are the Meek
Main idea: Meekness is trusting that God will take care of you, no matter what. So you stand up for what is right, and you don’t seek revenge. You are humble, gentle, and kind.
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Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst
for Righteousness
Main idea: We crave being right with God, and God fills us up with his righteousness when we choose to follow him.
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Blessed Are the Merciful
Main idea: We become merciful by being broken people and letting God’s mercy into our lives.
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Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Main idea: When we let Jesus purify our hearts, we can to come into God’s presence and spend all of forever with him.
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Blessed Are the Peacemakers
Main idea: Children of God are peacemakers. They help bring people to God and they do their best to get along with everyone.
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Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted
Main idea: When we have Be Like Jesus attitudes instead of ME attitudes, people will sometimes dislike us and treat us poorly, but that persecution shows that we are Christians by how we live.
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