Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Welcome. Whether you are a visitor, a regular attender, or a brand new parent, we want to welcome you to the Nursery Ministry of Harvest Chapel. Our Nursery Ministry provides infant and toddler care for children from birth through age three. Our nursery is a place where you child will find love and acceptance while safely having all of their physical and emotional needs met while you attend worship service.
We consider caring for your child a privilege and God-given responsibility. Because children are a gift from God they are important to us and make we make every effort to provide safe, positive, nurturing environment. Perhaps, once you have settled into Harvest Chapel as your home church, we welcome you to become a part of our children's volunteer team. It takes many hands, hearts and lots of joy to make this important ministry happen.
The nursery is open during the 10:30a service.
We consider caring for your child a privilege and God-given responsibility. Because children are a gift from God they are important to us and make we make every effort to provide safe, positive, nurturing environment. Perhaps, once you have settled into Harvest Chapel as your home church, we welcome you to become a part of our children's volunteer team. It takes many hands, hearts and lots of joy to make this important ministry happen.
The nursery is open during the 10:30a service.

What to bring with
you to church.
When to enjoy your
time at home.
- A diaper bag
- A bottle or sippy cup (if needed)
- Extra diapers
- Wipes
- A change of clothes
Please label all items with first and last name.
Keep medicines and personal toys at home if possible.
Please stay home with your child if they:
We want to keep all our children safe from spreading germs. We do sanitize the room every week.
- Had a fever in the last 24 hours
- Has a cold or the flu
- Has a runny nose, diarrhea, or vomiting
- Has an unknown rash, chicken pox or an eye infection
We want to keep all our children safe from spreading germs. We do sanitize the room every week.